Thursday, July 31, 2014

Man’s Problem: Finding Meaning, Fulfillment, & Purpose

         Every single man and woman has the same questions. I can save you some money.
You don’t have to take a bunch of philosophy or sociology classes to find the answers or even the questions. Hey I went to college and heard every theory. It only strengthened my faith. The Search contains the same basic questions for every person. I owe many of my findings to Robert McGee who wrote The Search for Significance.1 They are:
1.      Who am I? (Do I Have Importance)
2.      Why am I Here?
3.      Where Did I Come From?
4.      What Is My Purpose? (What Is The Meaning of Life?)
5.      Where am I going?
6.      Why do I have a nagging feeling of guilt?

        I referred to this before, The “God Shaped Hole.” “There is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of every man which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God, the Creator, made known through Jesus.”― Blaise Pascal, Pensees

         Not only are we trying to find meaning and significance but if their really is a God then He owns the universe and He makes the rules. In addition we have broken His rules and messed things up. We have sinned and broken God’s commandments and although we won’t admit it, there is this feeling of guilt that we feel deep down, and we try to cover it up.

         Let’s test this theory. People say they are happy, basically good and don’t need Jesus. But McGee in his book asks “Have you every noticed how few of your classmates and people on campus are truly content, joyful, and fulfilled? They are all….WE are all craving for something; there is a longing for something more. ” 1

n      Do you know someone who pretends to be like somebody else in order to be accepted? Have you noticed they act different in the crowd because they don’t really like themselves?
n      Have you known people who use alcohol or drugs to please their friends even though they know it’s wrong?
n      Do you know someone who is sexually involved because he or she is looking for love?
n      Are their students on your campus who work extra hard to get good grades or be successful though sports so they will feel better about themselves? 2

        There are good things that God gives us. But when we try to insert them into the vacuum that only God can fill, they become idols that leave us feeling empty such as (in this case for teenagers. Don’t worry we’ll address adults in a minute.):

Good Things Used For Wrong Reasons – Teens and Children
1. Getting Good Grades
2. Becoming Popular
3. Having A Girlfriend or Boyfriend
4. Owning Nice Things Or Being “Well Off”
5. Being A Good Athlete 3

Basing your entire self worth on these statuses, possessions, or achievements could create problems. These are good virtues but we could make ourselves our own idol.
n      Trying to be the “good kid” – desperate trying to gain a parent’s approval.
n      Trying to be “religious” or “good” -  in order to please God.
n      Trying to be perfect – in order to silence the gnawing feeling of guilt.
n         Notice these are good endeavors BUT the motive behind them are toxic, poisonous to the soul! 4

        There is also the other extreme. But at it’s roots it has the same problem. This is called The “Bad Kid” Syndrome. 5
n      Class Clown Who Always Tries To Get Attention – Disruptive in Class
n      Intelligent Young Person Who Fails (Bad Grades)
n      The “Bad Boy” or Rebel Girl
n      Daredevil  - Who Attempts Dangerous Feats (Gets Themselves or Others Injured)
Same Problem In A Different Form….THAT’S RIGHT, SAME PROBLEM

        They / We may not know it but they/we may be trying to fill a void that only Jesus Christ fill! We should get our value and self worth from Christ. People Wrongly Try To Feel Special By Wearing Themselves Out (Exhausting Themselves) In Various Ways. Why can’t achievements ultimately satisfy our soul?  Because they are temporary.

         I’ve addressed teens. What about adults? Oh we may learn how to hide our issues in a more sophisticated way. But we have the same root problem. Have You Noticed Our Propensity To Try To Find Our Identity & Self Worth In What We Do; Our Jobs & Careers, Our Status In The Community, Or Even In Church? We Have An Insatiable Urge To Want People To Like Us & Approve Of Us Which Even Causes Us To Tolerate Bad Behavior.

The Attempt To Fill The Hole In Our Heart - Adults
n      We Become Addicted To Work, Sex, & Food
n      We Are Not Honest With People About Our Shortcomings Or Theirs For Fear Of Rejection
n      The “Workaholic”, Perfectionist, or Attitude of Superiority
n      We Make Our Spouse or Significant Other Our Idol, Our god
n      We Strive To Show Off Our Talents In Order To “Be Better Than Everyone Else”
        I have heard Steve Brown say many times that what the church is missing is not more missions, more holiness, more miracles or signs and wonders, more church planting, more discipleship, or more theology and doctrine. DO NOT misunderstand me. All of those things are essential and wonderful. We HAVE to have those things in place in order to be a healthy church. But according to Steve what is missing is “the laughter of the redeemed.” (I heard this from a live lecture) We are missing JOY! We are not the joyous and free church that we should be. Knowing Jesus should bring joy that is contagious. Non believers should be flocking to our churches because we have what they want; joy, peace, and love. So we first need to heal the church.
        We long for purpose & meaning, a feeling of significance, forgiveness and freedom from guilt (even though we bury it and deny it), Unconditional Love, and TOTAL acceptance. Popular teens or successful/rich adults may look good on the outside but the Bible says Proverbs 14:13 TLB “Laughter cannot mask a heavy heart. When the laughter ends, the grief remains”

         The longing we spend so much energy and self effort to gratify is our also need for significance or self worth. What does significance mean? [Significance means we are special because we are 1) God’s Artwork and creation 2) We are completely loved by God and 3) God thought we were worth shedding His blood so that He could redeem us (save us).

        Our self worth comes from God. That’s why people who don’t believe God pursue
futile attempts in order to be successful, popular, or rich for the wrong reason. And even when they reach those goals they still feel empty. Why is that? Again accomplishments can be surpassed. Track records can be broken, sales records can be beaten, etc. The only thing that will fill our deepest heart’s desire is God’s unconditional love. You see, He loves us not because of anything we do. We don’t have to prove ourselves to Him. He loves us regardless. That love is unchanging. So if we do badly, He still loves us passionately. That gives us joy and peace because everything else, including accomplishments are only temporary. Even the most loving person cannot love us as much as God. They cannot fill the void because they cannot love us perfectly. Only God can love perfectly.

       A Friendly Word of Caution; I want to be perfectly clear so that no one misunderstands me. It’s ok to pursue your dreams, to do things you love, and to feel good about your accomplishments. God made you the way you are. He has gifted you with certain talents, traits, and strengths. I am not saying that goals and accomplishments are bad things. It’s only when put them before God that it is bad, because then they become idols. You that are really trying to serve God and have a sensitive conscience; DON”T become overly introspective about this. It is obvious when our talents or jobs become idols because we care nothing about God. We don’t put Him first, we don’t ask, “God how can I glorify You with this track meet, sales meeting, football game, job, spelling bee, etc?” There is a sense of self worth that we were made to have. In the movie “Chariots of Fire” Eric Liddell was going to be a missionary but decided to run in the Olympics. When his sister questioned him (implying he was being worldly), he replied, “I feel God’s pleasure when I run.” God is pleased when you live out your God – given destiny! 6

The Bible Confirms This:
Our Greatest Need

“What a person desires is unfailing love” – Proverbs 19:22. Our greatest need us unconditional love. God made us that way. We were made to “run on” unconditional love. God’s unconditional love is the “fuel we run on.”

“God has placed eternity (a longing for something with lasting value) in the heart of man” - Ecclesiastes 3:11. Our other greatest need is to be forgiven and reconciled to God.

         Our Accomplishments whether in academics, work, sports, popularity, or wealth (possessions) cannot ever bring us lasting satisfaction. They are not eternal. No person on earth can fill the void - the God given desire for unconditional love, forgiveness, and acceptance.

         The Solution is Jesus Christ! The Bible Says “God Is Love” 1 John 4:16 and also
That “Eternal Life is Knowing God Through Jesus His Son” John 17:3. The “Vacuum” Is Filled. Receiving Jesus Christ By Faith Brings
         God’s Forgiveness
         God’s Acceptance
         A Sense Of Significance & Purpose (The Mission of Bringing The Lost To God)
         And Brings Us Into The Unconditional Love Of God. He Becomes Our Father.

Our “Who” vs Our “Do”

         We Were NEVER Meant To “Perform For God” Or Try To Earn His Love
         We Are Human Beings NOT Human Doings
         Our Significance Comes From The Truth That We Were Made In God’s Image: His Work Of Art (God Don’t Make No Junk!!)
         What We Do Should Flow From Who We Are (People LOVED, Redeemed, & Recreated By God)

         I stole this next saying from Tullian Tchividjian (it is the title of his book). 7

Jesus Plus Nothing= Everything!!! 8
In Christ We Already Have Everything We Need!!! We Receive It By Faith Alone
         Every Spiritual Blessing & Power To Live For God – Eph. 1:3
         Complete Forgiveness – Col. 1:14
         Total Acceptance – Ephesians 1:6
         100% Righteous Standing Before God – 2 Corinthians 5:21
         The Same Resurrection Power That Raised Christ The Dead Will Live In Us (Eph. 1:19-20, Romans 8:11)

        We must start teaching the central truth that “Faith Alone In Christ Alone Brings
Us Everything.” I didn’t learn this until I was in college. Just think all those years struggling with sin and failure and guilt. Look at what The Bible says, 2Pe 1:3-4 “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him (Jesus) who called us by his own glory and goodness.”

        Ephesians 1:3 says that we have been blessed with “Every spiritual blessing.” (Eph 1:3) When we accept Jesus The Holy Spirit comes to live inside of us. He gives us the very love, peace, courage, gentleness, etc of Jesus. But we don’t feel this. We are body, soul, and spirit. In salvation our spirit is changed. However our body and soul have not yet been redeemed. In our spirit, however, Jesus has placed in us all of the seed for the fruit of the Spirit. We experience this by faith. We can’t say, “I’m not courageous enough.” The Bible says, “You don’t have a spirit of fear but of power, love and sound mind,” (2 Tim. 1:7). We feel weak and afraid but how we really are is who God says we are. But our feelings fight against this truth. This is why we can’t always believe our feelings. But we have to believe the Bible instead.

         I will talk about this more later but I just want to touch on this briefly for now. We walk in obedience when we keep our eyes on Jesus. In Matthew 14 Jesus called Peter to walk on water. So Peter had to actually come out on the water by having faith that Jesus would sustain him to be able to walk, float, (whatever you want to call it) out on the water. Peter had faith in Jesus, had his eyes on The Son of God, actually stepped out of the boat, and starting walking on the water. As long as Peter kept his eyes on Jesus, he could keep walking on water. But when Peter took his eyes off of Jesus and started focusing on the waves and high winds he started sinking. The amazing thing is that even though he started doubting (he blew it like we do) Jesus still reached down and saved him, by pulling him out of the water.
         So what are the implications? Teens! - Because I am significant (In Christ) I can feel good about myself even when others do not approve of me or like me (popularity). Because Jesus died to pay for my sins and guilt I no longer have to prove myself to God or try to “pay for my wrongs”. God forgives me completely and totally accepts me because of Jesus. Adults – My self worth comes from being made in God’s Image (I am His piece of ART!!!). I no longer have to be a workaholic, self righteous, or a phony. Christ IS our righteousness, “It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God--that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption” 1 Corinthians 1:30. Our performance is never our righteousness. That seems contrary to every other religion. But The Word of God (i.e. GOD says) “Christ is our righteousness”. Again, Christ is our righteousness and not our obedience the God’s Law, good works, or religious deeds.

          Teens! - I don’t need a boyfriend or girlfriend to feel special. I don’t need to be popular to feel special. I am special because God loves me and made me His unique artwork. Adults, Grown ups, you don’t have to become a workaholic to prove yourself to anyone. You don’t need to try to earn God’s love nor the love of people because God loves you and I unconditionally. Because God loves me unconditionally I don’t have to perform for Him – I can just rest in His love for me. I am important because God made me for a special purpose, and He made you for a special purpose; His plan for us to affect the world! To know Him and make Him known is the meaning of life.

        I have a reason to live!!! That is to know God and make Him known. God says I have a hope and a bright future – (Jeremiah 29:11).He will make me better and better. In Christ I can grow and be free!! Through Christ I can become the person of character and courage that I long to be. Death does not scare me because I can be sure I will go to Heaven through Jesus The Savior!!

            DO YOU WANT TO KNOW THE SECRET OF A SUCCESSFUL LIFE?  They are:         
         1) God Is Love
         2) Being Forgiven in Christ
         3) Our Identity In Christ
         4) Where The Two (God’s love and our new identity in Christ) Meet

         Listen to these verses about God’s love for us. “neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

         “For the LORD is good and his love endures forever” Psalm 100:5 NIV “Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.” Psalm 107:1 NIV, Ps 103:17 “But from everlasting to everlasting the LORD'S love is with those who fear him;” (Fear is the Old Testament version of Faith).

       Jesus Gives Us Righteousness….As A Free Gift!! Apostle Paul says,  “that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not  having a righteousness of my own that comes from obeying the law, but that which is through faith in Christ the righteousness that comes from God and is by faith (In Christ).” Philip. 3:8,9

        If you are already a believer then discover The “New You!”
         Reborn As A Brand New Person W/ A Clean Slate
         Our Old Sinful Person “Dies & Is Crucified With Christ”
         God Places Inside of Us His Holy Spirit and All The Attributes of Jesus Righteousness (He Gives Us The Ability and Power To Obey)

         His life is placed in us by His Holy Spirit in us.
         His Power To Love
         His Power To Be Patient
         His Power To Have Joy
         His Peace In Trials
         His Courage

Don’t you want this? Doesn’t that sound like Good News (remember Gospel means “Good News”? I have taken this from Neil Anderson and his “Who I Am in Christ” book mark. But this is who Christ can transform us into (or if you’re already a believer this is true of you)
Who I Am In Christ?
         I am God's child. John 1:12
         I am a friend of Jesus John 15:15
         I have been justified. Romans 5:1  
         I am united with the Lord, and I am one with Him in spirit. 1 Corin. 6:17
         I have been chosen by God and adopted as His child. Ephesians 1:3-8
         I have been redeemed and forgiven of all my sins. Coloss. 1:13-14
         I am complete in Christ. Coloss. 2:9-10
         I am free from condemnation Rom. 8:1   3

Christ as Life

         You will hear me say this phrase more than once in this book. I learned this phrase and this principle from a dear friend, mentor, pastor, and somewhat of a spiritual father to me. His name is Randy Nusbaum and his church is called New Creation Fellowship in Denton Texas. They live this out so well, as well or better than any church I have ever seen. This is the emphasis; the reality of Christ as our Life. Christ is our Life, and when we live we must draw upon Christ as our life. He freely gives His life to anyone who receives it by faith. This is the grace of God, the true and complete Gospel.

        This solves the “Lordship salvation versus free grace controversy” going on in Christendom. The reason why is this; the reality is that Christ IS true life. Colossians 3:4 says, “When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.” The phrase that I want to focus on is “Christ Who is your life.” Salvation is not only getting forgiveness and a guarantee of going to Heaven. It is the reality that everything we think is life is really shallow, worthless, trash. Christ is Real Life. This is not just accepting Christ and saying, “Ok I will go about my business and one day go to Heaven. I’ll sin as much as I want because I have forgiveness” as the “Free Grace advocates” are accused of teaching.  But neither is it like the “Lordship advocates” say, “we must give our all to Christ, and promise that we will stop sinning and serve Him. And we will grunt and strain and do it with all our might.” Although we should surrender everything to Christ, this is true. But they make salvation a work. However it is not straining or trying to muster up strength to please God, but just acknowledging the truth that Christ IS life. We let Christ live through us and everything is filtered through the truth of, “is this action or thought letting Christ live through me?”

        Let me give you an illustration from Jesus. The best way I have come to understand it is this; Jesus said “I am the vine and you are the branches.” (John 15:5). Jesus is The Vine (the source of true life). He is Lord, God and we will never be the Vine, but we must always draw our life from Him. We will never become gods or become “independent of Him.” We do acknowledge Him as Lord because He is the source of life. Therefore we come to Him and say, “Jesus please change me and give me eternal life; let your life, love, and joy be in me. Fill me with your love and make me something beautiful. You are the river, the source and I ask you to come live in me and let me experience your power in me.” But there is still free grace there in Jesus’ illustration because it is taking the free gift of life from Him. We do nothing but receive. A branch just receives sap from the vine. Jesus said, “Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:4-5) When he says remain in me, He is saying, “Remain connected to me and dependent on me like a branch stays connected to a vine for it’s life.” How do we do this? We stay connected to Him by faith.
        However where the “Free Grace” advocates are correct, is that they acknowledge that we still sin and blow it. And God, in His grace still keeps us. He will never kick us out. He will always keep us as His children. We are still saved and our assurance comes, NOT from looking at our works, but looking at Jesus death on the cross and accepting His forgiveness. We will stumble and fall but God will forgive us. The “Lordship” advocates say we look to our works to see if we are a true Christian, but that becomes salvation by works. The bottom line is that God says we have eternal life if we trust Christ for salvation. We can have 100%  assurance that we are saved if we trust Jesus as our Savior and Lord. I lean towards the Free Grace side. However I can confidently say I believe in true “Lordship Salvation.” Not all that they teach but what the Bible teaches; that Jesus is Lord (God) and He will save us if we put our trust in Him, “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.” (Acts 16:31) And when we receive His eternal life in us, it is true that He becomes our Master and we become His servants, to do His will (because His will is true life).
        Let me simplify this even more (because it’s really simple). We simply (by faith) receive Jesus Who just happens to be Lord. John 1:12 “says whoever received Him, whoever believed in His Name He gave the right to become children of God.” We receive Him Who is Lord. Not only is He Lord, but consider this. Grace is not a thing we receive; it is a person, Jesus. Love is not an emotion or a thing we do, Love is a person. Jesus (God) is love. Joy is not an emotion, joy is a Person; Jesus is joy, He is peace, He is LIFE! When we receive Him we receive Life. It is true that we understand that from now on we will live His way. But submitting to Him is to truly “let go and let God” transform us and fill us with His life. So the theological debating can end. We receive Jesus Who is Lord and Who is Life.
         This is such good news! I will conclude this chapter with a challenge. If this sounds too good to be true then I challenge you to read Ephesians chapter 1. Read it slowly. It is full of nothing but promises of God’s love for us and who we are in Christ! Read it over and over. Another section to read is Romans chapters 4-6. Read it and you will be blown away. You may even get mad that your preacher has not been preaching the true Gospel or all of The Bible!! Take the challenge you won’t regret it.

  1. McGee, Robert S., and Robert S. McGee. The Search for Significance. Nashville: Word Pub., 1998
  2. Ibid, Robert McGee
  3. Ibid
  4. Ibid
  5. Ibid
6. Chariots of Fire. Dir. Hugh Hudson. Perf. Ian Charleston. Twentieth Century Fox   Film Corporation, (1981). Film.
      7. Tchividjian, Tullian. Jesus Nothing = Everything. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2011.
       8. Ibid

 9. Anderson, Neil T. Victory over the Darkness: Realizing the Power of Your Identity                              in  Christ. Ventura, CA: Regal Books, 1990.

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