Thursday, July 31, 2014

God The Amazing Lover

God, The Amazing Lover

Jesus! What a Friend for sinners!
Jesus! Lover of my soul;
Friends may fail me, foes assail me,
He, my Savior, makes me whole.
Hallelujah! What a Savior!
Hallelujah! What a Friend!
Saving, helping, keeping, loving,
He is with me to the end.
Hymn – Words by J. Wilbur Chapman, Music by Rowland H. Pritchard

        God loves screwed up people!!! When I say that, I mean He is CRAZY about you, madly in love with you, and longs for you. That’s right He’s MADLY IN LOVE WITH YOU!! He is wild about you, crazy about you, and LOVE CRAZED over YOU!!  Do you do bad things? Are you a sinner? God LOVES YOU; HE absolutely adores you and wants to give you a bear hug! You are precious to Him and He delights in YOU. God loves you just the way you are, sin and all. God loves us just as we are, but He also loves us too much to leave us in the lost state we are in. He longs to give us life, freedom and joy! Understand, this is an invitational love to come to Him through Jesus so He can be your Father (Abba, Daddy, and Papa – using Biblical terms). Look at this Bible verse that shows God loves sinners, “This is a trustworthy saying, and everyone should accept it: ‘Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15, NLT). This is an invitation to come to Jesus and then have a relationship with your Heavenly Father. Then after (and only after) that, His Spirit comes inside of us and we learn to quit doing things our own way and let Jesus be Lord of our life; for Him to be our guide, our strength, our help, and our lover. But it happens by faith alone in Christ alone. We simply trust Jesus to save us and He does. He cleanses us and gives us new life.

        Jesus will live inside of you and give you an “abundant life” of joy, love, and peace (John 10:10). It is like the marriage covenant. Jesus is the most loving groom ever and we get to be His bride.  He wants to forgive you, liberate you from your addictions, and even free you from your bondage to sin, and have a relationship with you; JUST SO HE CAN LOVE YOU with a great & passionate affection!! And He will cause you to not only be loved, but to love God and love man as well (with His kind of Love). But He loves you now, just as you are; a sinner. He loves you! God loves you! You may be a drug dealer, murderer, liar, or rapist but God loves you and is saying, “Come to me and let me love you, cleanse you, heal you, and make you into something beautiful. Let my love and life fill your heart.” When you run to God by faith in Christ, you will find He isn’t mad at you but will embrace you, love you, and fill you with His Spirit.

      Now someone may object! Steve you are going too far. Oh really? First of all we have to agree 1) If we are both Bible Believing Christians Then The Word of God is His Inspired and Perfect Revelation and 2) His Word is the LAST Word. You and I can be wrong but God’s Word is true. Have you read the Gospels lately? Let’s take a look:

                         Luke 7: 36When one of the Pharisees invited Jesus to have dinner with him, he went to the Pharisee’s house and reclined at the table. 37A    woman in that town who lived a sinful life learned that Jesus was eating     at the Pharisee’s house, so she came there with an alabaster jar of       perfume. 38As she stood behind him at his feet weeping, she began to wet     his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them… 48Then Jesus said to her, “Your sins are      forgiven.
Luke 5: 29Then Levi held a great banquet for Jesus at his house, and a                           a      large crowd of tax collectors (tax collectors were traitors and the                                               equivalent to the mafia, very sinful)  and others were eating with                                             them. 30 But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law who belonged                                    to their sect complained to his disciples, “Why do you eat and drink                                   with tax collectors and sinners?”31Jesus answered them, It is not the                         healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. 32             I have not come to call the                 righteous, but sinners to repentance.”
         In Mark 2:17 the same thing happened Jesus was eating with sinners and the Pharisees complained. Pharisees were the very religious people who knew a lot about The Bible but nothing about Jesus or Grace. A woman   who was probably a prostitute; recognized love, forgiveness and life in Jesus. She ran to Him (smart lady). Jesus said “It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick; I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” When is the last time a drug addict or prostitute ran to our churches to admit their need of help and forgiveness? Maybe we are not preaching the true Jesus.

                    In John’s Gospel, Chapter 8, a woman was caught in adultery! The           Religious Pharisees wanted to kill her by stoning her. Jesus said, “He who             is without sin (i.e. if you’ve never sinned and you’re perfects then you)             throw the first stone. They all left because they knew, although on the     outside they were religious, on the inside their hearts were just as lustful   and sinful. Jesus told this woman that 1) He did not condemn her and 2)            He forgave her and 3) He freed her to “go and sin no more.”

         We’ve given examples about women. What about men? Jesus saw the     greedy tax collector Matthew, the extortionist, the mafia member, the        traitor, the thief, and He said, “Follow me.” He invited this evil man to    become a disciple!! He, in effect, said, “Yes I can change you and make   you one of my preachers, a great world changer – that’s what My power and love can do!” And when Jesus calls us He sets us free from our sins.          Jesus unconditional love, the fact that He reached out to Mathew (also          called Levi) filled Matthew’s heart with a love and joy; a faith that caused             him to leave behind his rich and lavish lifestyle and follow the One who   had this infectious joy about Him.

        We all know the story of Zacchaeus. He wasn’t just a tax collector but a                           CHIEF TAX COLLECTOR. In an article by Dr. Marcellino                                     D'Ambrosio he comments, “Tax collectors have never been popular.  But                                   in Roman Palestine, they were particularly hated because                       they collaborated with the foreign oppressors.  It’s understandable that the                            Jews felt about the same animosity for the Romans, as the French did for the                                  occupying Nazis in World War II. But the Roman system of “tax farming” made tax collectors especially                               despised. The Romans wanted to collect as much tax as they could without                     tying up their own personnel.  So they recruited locals and gave them a                          percentage of    what was collected. The more they could wring out of the                                  people, the more they      could keep.
                                So these blood-suckers profited off their countrymen’s misfortune.  In so                           doing,   they helped raise the funds necessary to finance the brutal                                         repression of the chosen people by the pagans.  Obviously, these dogs                                     were beyond the pale, repugnant to all decent God-fearing people, the                                ‘enemies of God Himself’, or so they thought.” 1 But what did Jesus do?                                    He said, “Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house                                     today.” Luke 19:So he came down at once and welcomed him                                                 gladly.All the people saw this and began to mutter, “He has gone to be                            the guest of a sinner.”
        But Zacchaeus stood up and said to          the                                            Lord, “Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the                             poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four                                     times the amount.”Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this                                     house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham. 10 For the Son of Man                               came to seek and to save the lost.” That is HIS mission: to seek out, hunt                                    down, and love & save the lost. He, in effect, said to Zach, “Hey I want                       to hang out with you and be your friend, your Lord, your Savior, and your life. I love you and you are my creation. I                                  want to set you free. Jesus entered this gangster’s house and something                                 about His love just melted away Zach’s greed. His greed was replaced                          with love, the greatest love imaginable. The joy and laughter of                                              Jesus set him free! Has the church lost the joy of the True Gospel of                                  GRACE!! But back to you and I! What about God and us?
          You are His artwork and made in His image! (Genesis 1:27).  Malcolm Smith (Bishop of Zoe Community of The Holy Spirit) used to say on his radio program, “You are who you are by the artist who put you together.” He would go on to say that, “What makes a famous painting, sculpture, or piece of art valuable is the signature of the artist.” If someone found a lost painting from Leonardo Da Vinci it would be worth millions! Why? It is because he is a world renowned artist. The painting would be valuable based on the greatness of the artist and the quality, the beauty of the art work. The Mona Lisa is valuable, the statue of David is valuable, and the Sistine Chapel is valuable. And get this, YOU are valuable!! You’ve heard the slogan, “God don’t make no junk.” Well it’s true and you are valuable to Him!! You have dignity and great worth because you are God’s artwork, made in His image. We may have tried to damage the art through sin but we are still valuable. I could take a Da Vinci painting stow it away in a warehouse and it could collect dust. Just because it gets covered with dust and dirt, that does not devalue the art. Our sin may taint us but we still have value because we are made in God’s image.
We are His artwork and His masterpiece. As humans we are both sinners and God’s artwork. We have, not only depravity (great sinfulness), but great dignity! We have worth! We are so valuable to God that He thought we were worth the shedding of Jesus’ blood, so that He could redeem us. It is true that we have all “sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” We have broken His commandments and need His forgiveness. We need to run to God and ask for His mercy. But when we do we find that He embraces us and freely gives us mercy for our unrighteousness and forgiveness for our sins.

        Let me put this another way. A preacher once gave a brilliant illustration on this topic. He had a $100 bill. He announced, “If I were to give this to someone as a free gift would anyone like to take it?” Immediately all hands in the room went up. He then proceeded to wad it up and wrinkle it. He asked, “Now it’s all wadded up, does anyone still want it?” Again everyone raised their hands, eager to get a $100 bill. He then threw it on the ground and stomped on it and again he asked, “Do you still want it even though I stomped on it and it’s all dirty?” And again everyone raised their hand. He then proceeded to explain. We are like this $100 bill. We are valuable. Even though we sin, make terrible mistakes, blow it, and trash our lives; we ‘get wadded up, stomped on, and messy, so to speak, like this bill’, God still wants us and loves us because we are still valuable to Him. Just like the wadding up, and stomping didn’t decrease that bill (you guys knew you could still spend it and it was worth a lot to you), we still have great worth despite sin’s damage.” We are valuable to God, we are His masterpiece of artwork, we are worth a lot to God. We are made in His image and this is a great honor.

          Now I am not compromising on sin. God hates sin and yet, He still is love (“God is love” 1 John 4:8). He is Love and He is Holy. A very grace focused Christian who always spoke of God’s love, mercy, grace, and compassion had this to say, “I want neither a terrorist spirituality that keeps me in a perpetual state of fright about being in right relationship with my heavenly Father nor a sappy spirituality that portrays God as such a benign teddy bear that there is no aberrant behavior or desire of mine that he will not condone. I want a relationship with the Abba of Jesus, who is infinitely compassionate with my brokenness and at the same time an AWESOME, incomprehensible, and unwieldy Mystery. ” ― Brennan Manning.  And we want that, we, if we really search our hearts, want a perfectly just God. That gives us security to know He will never do evil. God is tender, merciful, gracious, compassionate, and affectionate!! But He is also Holy and Just; however, even though He hates sin He LOVES sinners. The saying is true, “Love the sinner but hate the sin.” On the other side He cares deeply and passionately about us. One ancient Christian writer said “I will have nothing to do with a God who cares only occasionally. I need a God who is with us always, everywhere, in the deepest depths as well as the highest heights. It is when things go wrong, when good things do not happen, when our prayers seem to have been lost, that God is most present. We do not need the sheltering wings when things go smoothly. We are closest to God in the darkness, stumbling along blindly.” ― Madeleine L'Engle

        In his wonderful book The Good and Beautiful God author James Bryan Smith shares a story about a Russian Orthodox priest who understood the love of God. John of Kronstadt, unlike the other priests and pastors, would not wait for people to come to his church to hear the Gospel; he would go after them and hunt them down. Smith says that in a time when alcoholism was at it’s worst, “ John compelled by love went out into the streets…..he would lift the hungover, foul smelling people from the gutter, cradle them in his arms and say to them, ‘This is beneath your dignity. You were meant to house the fullness of God.’” 2 I love that because it is just like God. He chases you down. He wants to hold you and heal you because He adores, delights, and passionately loves you!
You are precious to Him just as you are –sins and all: addictions, bad past, and (as Brennan Manning used to say) “warts and all He loves you just as you are.” And what’s important is that we were meant to house God’s Spirit. We were meant to be His temple.

        I remember one time when I was in college; our church went on a mission trip to Mexico. We had been out sharing The Gospel with translators and were all tired and hungry. As we were entering a restaurant there I noticed a man sitting, really laying, in the street. Something pierced my heart; it was God’s love for this man. I still went in to the restaurant and ordered food, but the picture of that man haunted me. I decided to sneak out and take my order of chicken tacos to him. As I went to him, I squatted down and noticed several things about him. He was so thin. It looked like he hadn’t eaten in days. He was very drunk on tequila and when he turned to look at me, his breath smelled of whiskey and vomit (I tried to hide the fact that I was gagging at the smell of his breath; God gave me great grace to continue). He was covered in urine, vomit, whiskey, and had not bathed in days or maybe weeks.

        As I tried to share the truth of The Gospel of God’s love for Him in Christ, I fed him some chicken. He was barely sober and at first mocked and joked at what I was saying. But after a while a couple of pastors, from the church in Mexico that we were working with, came to help me. I could see in His eyes that the message was getting through to him, as the pastors helped me translate. He was beginning to understand that God loved him; that He was made in God’s image, and that God could redeem and restore his life.

        The pastors continued to minister to him and they assured me that they would take care of this man; feed and clothe him, and help him get sober. Most importantly they would continue to lead him to the light of Jesus. But you need to know that when I was ministering something happened to me. I could almost hear God say, “Steve, this is how I love you! Know matter what condition you are in or how bad you blow it, I will always love you unconditionally. You are precious to me and I have made you in my image.” There were times on this mission trip (as I was the worship leader) that I would just break down and cry. God’s grace was breaking through to my heart and mind like the sun breaking through the clouds.
        Well God not only loves you just as you are. God also wants to set you free from guilt, sin, and bondage so that He can give you real life! He wants to fill you with love, joy, peace, and fulfillment. And that only comes from knowing Him. Just come to Him, just as you are! You don’t have to try and clean yourself up, make yourself presentable, or change yourself. I’ve heard it said that, “Jesus is a good fisherman. He catches His fish first and then He cleans them.” That is the point. Come to Jesus just as you are, because when you take that step of faith and believe in Jesus He will clean you, come to live inside of you, and change anything that needs changing. Run to Jesus and He will embrace you and love you! He promised that He would NEVER turn anyone away. John 6:37 “Whoever comes to me I will never drive away.” We are saved simply by believing Jesus. Faith alone in Christ alone will save anyone. “Whoever trusts in Him will never be put to shame.” Romans 10:11. It is a free gift. It is called Free Grace.

        In fact that (speaking of cleaning) is the point. Jesus is the cleansing. Jesus is the bathing, the shower, if you will. I mean think about it, you don’t try to “clean up” before you take a bath or shower. You can’t because it’s impossible. You get clean BY getting into the shower and using soap and water. Well Jesus IS the shower, He IS the only spiritual soap and water. Go to Him and He will love you, accept you, and give you a clean slate. He will make you feel clean, innocent again, and brand new.

        You may have never heard any of this before. Maybe you thought God only loved good people, or that He loves some more than you. No! That is not true.
 God loves screwed up, dysfunctional sinners!!  And get this: GOD LOVES YOU!! Jesus said in Luke 15 that when the prodigal children who have blown it return to Him, God runs and even sprints to his children who have gone astray; tackles them, embraces them to hug and squeeze them tightly, kisses them repeatedly, puts a ring on their finger and a royal robe upon them, and then He throws a big party to celebrate the return of His children. The same chapter portrays God as going after His lost sheep with a deep passion to bring them home; intently searching and searching until He finds them. And rejoicing with laughter as He lovingly and joyfully carries them back to the rest of the flock.

        Well, unfortunately, many preachers have not taught this message. But let me tell you something - they were wrong!! This is not the “dignified” or “harsh, somber god” they lied about.  He chases down screwed up sinners and showers them with kisses and that includes you and me. Again I say- He is crazy about us! Look at some of these verses and tell me what you think.

          1Jn 4:8 God is love.
            1Jn 4:9 This is how God showed His love among us: He sent His one and only                  Son into the world that we might live through Him.
           1Jn 4:10 This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent his         Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.
         1Jn 4:16 And so we know and rely on the love God has for us.
                         God is love. Whoever lives in love, lives in God, and God in Him.
         1Jn 4:19 We love Him because He first loved us.
            Jer 31:3 The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying:
                        “I have loved you with an everlasting love (could be translated “I have loved you from all eternity”);
                         I have drawn you with loving-kindness.
             Isa 62:4
                  The LORD will take delight in you,
          Isa 62:5 As a bridegroom rejoices over his bride,
                         so will your God rejoice over you.
            Zep 3:17 “The LORD your God is with you,
                        He is mighty to save.
                        He will take great delight in you,
                        He will quiet you with his love,
                         He will rejoice over you with singing.”

        Did you get that? He delights in you! There are three important truths in theseverses above that I want to emphasize.

  1. God IS Love. As the great preacher Malcolm Smith said (not the New Ager but the Bishop and founder of Unconditional Love Ministries),
 “God doesn’t just have love or give love. He IS love.” If He IS love then His nature is to love, and our behavior cannot affect His ability to love. He is love incarnate, that’s Who He is and What He is. He is love. You can be a drunk, a murderer, or a rapist but that cannot change God’s nature of Who He is. He is love, and it is in His nature to love everyone, NOT because of who they are, but because of Who HE IS. In fact, He already loved us from eternity past. Before the universe was created He already “decided” (if I can use that word) to love us. And God doesn’t change His decisions or His very nature -which is Love.

Love’s Unchanging Nature

        One time I gave my congregation a very strange illustration to drive this point home. I pointed at the wooden podium (pulpit) beside me and asked, “Now if I walk away farther from this podium does it change the podium?” Of course they all answered “No.” I went on to say, “If I jump up and down, or roll on the ground, does it change the podium? I mean will it change form, or change from wood to metal?” Again the resounding answer was no. My illustrations continued, “If I get closer to the podium does it make it ‘more wooden’ or make it better?” Of course not; the podium will not become more composed of wood or change its handcrafted shape just because I get closer to it. In fact, moving closer does not improve it or change it one bit. It doesn’t become stronger or shinier with more lacquer or varnish. It stays the exact same.

        I then took the lesson to a level to where it hit home. I said, “What if I sin, get drunk, or hurt someone? Will it change the podium?” The church answered “No!” I then suggested, “Imagine this Podium is God”, and I posted a piece of paper on the podium that said “Love.” I went on to do the same illustrations except this time asked them, “Does what I do change God’s nature of being Love?” The point was this; I could roll on the ground, scream, do well, do badly, get closer or move farther away. The note that said “Love” never changed. And get this…NEITHER DOES GOD! We cannot change God. In fact, that would be blasphemous to think that we puny mortals could change someone Who is The Eternal God Almighty! Our actions cannot change the fact that He is love and that He loves us no matter what. We pastors call this “Unconditional love.”

        Another similar illustration involves a child whose grandpa took him to the ocean. The child was amazed at how huge the ocean was and how the waves just kept coming. They played in the water for a little while then Ole Grandpa had to rest. The child said, “But Grandpa if we get out of the water the waves might stop and we won’t get another chance to play in them.” Grandpa smiled and said, “Don’t worry son. Those waves will still be there.” The child watched as Grandpa napped in the sand. The waves just kept coming and coming, one after another. It seemed like they would continue to overlap for all eternity.

        God is just like that. His love just keeps coming at us no matter what we do or don’t do. The child could’ve splashed harder, but it wouldn’t make the waves bigger. We can try harder to be religious, but it can’t make God love us any more. He already loves us and just like the waves, His love won’t ever stop. 

        Now does this mean we shouldn’t obey God? No, we need to obey God because His commands are good for us, protect us, and help us to live life to the fullest. Not only that but God said to do it, therefore He is The Boss, Jesus is Lord, He is worthy of obedience. But God wants us to obey Him because we know He loves us. Not to earn His love. Only a neurotic, sick, and twisted parent would say, “I will love you only if you obey me.” NO! We cannot earn God’s love. God wants us to obey Him because we are so grateful, and because we know He loves us. In fact Paul said His motivation for obeying God came from being loved by Christ (2 Corinthians 5:14). When we obey because it is because we feel loved, we feel secure, and we are filled up with God’s affection for us; it makes us only love Him more. It makes us want to obey Him because we are thankful. When we become Christians The Holy Spirit comes to live inside of us and we are to Love God in return by obeying Him. It becomes a covenant relationship, like a marriage relationship. It is a love relationship and we want to bless God in return for all the goodness He has bestowed upon us.

        Unconditional love means just what it sounds like, to love without conditions. My dear friend Reverend Walt Seely has a huge banner on the front of his church that says, “God loves you, NO exceptions.” Unconditional love means that God can love a murderer and a nun exactly the same. That is because His love never depends on our actions but it is His nature. It is Who He IS. He IS Love.

        So when we screw up He loves us. We can NOT make Him loves us more by doing “good deeds” because He IS love, He loves us 100% always--and can’t possibly love us any more nor any less. When we fall down and blow it, when we commit the same sin that we promised not to commit (that we have committed 1,000 times over and over again), guess what? God is still love and He loves us unconditionally. If we run back to Him He will restore us, forgive us, and accept us again.

        Read these Bible verses and I believe they will help you understand:
             Ro 5:6 You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ        died for the ungodly.
                Ro 5:7 Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good            man someone might possibly dare to die.
                Ro 5:8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we            were still sinners, Christ died for us.
                Ro 5:9 Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more    shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him!
                Ro 5:10 For if, when we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him    through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled,         shall we be saved through his life! Ro 5:11 Not only is this so, but we also   rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now       received reconciliation.
        It doesn’t say God (Jesus the 2nd Person of The Trinity) died for good people or worthy people. God loves His enemies. It says, “While we were still sinners Christ died for us.” God reaches out to save people who hate Him, curse Him, and want nothing to do with Him. That is unconditional love. That is God, He IS unconditional love. And He loves those people until they are transformed. He loves them to life.

  1. God delights in us. Imagine a homeless person who is just a “wino”, a drunk who curses and condemns everyone who walks by. This person is slumped up against the wall of some alley. He is filled with hate. God loves and delights in that person!!! Now wait! I did NOT say God delights in the person’s behavior. He has compassion on him. Just like I delight in my children, even though I do not always approve of their choices, they are my joy and my delight!

        When I find them, even when they blow it …BADLY, I pick them up and I help                      them to get back on their feet. When I look at their pictures I smile ear to ear. Now they may be out making big mistakes, but meanwhile I am looking at THEM with delight. Look at the following verses.

                Ps 103:13 As a father has compassion on his children,
                    so the LORD has compassion on those who fear Him      
                Ps 103:14 for He knows how we are formed,
                        He remembers that we are dust.
               Ps 103:15 As for man, his days are like grass,
                    he flourishes like a flower of the field;
              Ps 103:16 the wind blows over it and it is gone,
                   and its place remembers it no more.
              Ps 103:17 But from everlasting to everlasting
                the LORD'S love is with those who fear Him,
                and his righteousness with their children’s children—

3. God rejoices over you and me with singing!!! (I will speak more about this in a later chapter) Did you get that? God is in Heaven singing love songs about you. He is giving the angels a concert and singing a song with your name in it. As a lover writes a love song for his sweetheart, God sings about you, His dear one.
And He rejoices over you!!! Hebrew experts say that the word translated “rejoice” means to twirl around shouting for joy, laughing with sheer delight. Picture God spinning around with joy singing about you because He takes such delight in you!! It’s true, the Bible says it and that settles the matter.
        Now you may say, “But I am a sinner. I have cheated people out of their money, beaten them to death, sold drugs to kids, committed adultery, cursed God’s name, etc.” Or maybe you have not committed a so called “Big scandalous sin” but you know that your heart has jealousy, hatred, and unforgiveness. Or you may reply, “But God is Holy and just. He cannot just overlook sin.” You would be right in saying so because God does not overlook sin.. If God let sin slide by, He would not be God, He would not be just, in fact He would not be Holy or fair. God hates sin because it is bad for us and against His righteous nature. His righteous nature is so Holy, Pure, and Perfect.  He cannot tolerate the slightest sin. You could say He is allergic to sin (even the slightest sin). But that is where this story gets interesting.

        You see I believe the entire Bible from beginning to end, I believe every Word to be true. It may confuse us at times or even sound kind of scary. But as a whole The Bible is God’s love letter to us. It is a story of God pursuing mankind who has rejected Him. God cannot let sin and rebellion be swept under the rug but at the same time He loves us so much that, as I heard the late Rich Mullins state at a concert, “If God had only one thing to say to you He would wet your back with tears of joy to have you in His presence.” He is madly in love with you and I. He is crazy about us.

        So there is an apparent “dilemma.” God is crazy about us. He loves screwed up people and wants to heal us and redeem us. He is full of mercy and grace. But He, being perfect (Which makes Him God), cannot let sin go unpunished. How does He solve the dilemma? I could make you wait till the following chapters but I just have to at least introduce this idea. God punished all sins and demonstrated His love at the cross when He took our punishment. Somebody had to pay the penalty. That’s where Jesus comes in.

        You see Jesus (being God) became a Human and lived a perfect life. In addition He took our punishment for ALL our sins (past, present, and future) when He was crucified and died on the cross. At the cross, justice and mercy meet. Jesus being God’s Son took all of God’s wrath on the cross. He died the death that we deserve. By dying in our place the penalty is paid. Sin is punished, paid for, and in addition Jesus will impute (place upon) His perfect righteousness on us. So if we trust Jesus as Savior, when God sees us, He no longer sees sin. He sees Jesus (and Jesus’ perfect righteousness). As far as our sins go He sees His Son who paid for all of our sins. The Biblical Word is “justified.” The word “Justify” means to “declare as righteous.”
So if we place our faith in Jesus as our Savior, God The Father (The Judge) slams down His gavel and says to our surprise, “This one is now righteous!! He/she is justified.” But we must make a decision whether or not to receive this “justification” by faith. Will we trust Jesus and His Word, take that step of faith so that God can wash away all of our sins and make us righteous in His eyes (i.e. “justified”)?

Confession Time

        I have been in some form of either full time ministry or bi – vocational ministry for over 10 years. However I did not fully understand God’s grace. Oh as a child I prayed and asked Jesus to come into my heart, forgive me of all my sins, and to be my Lord and Savior. I understood that if I died I would go straight to Heaven. But I did not understand the idea of “Justification” or being “justified.” I knew I would go to Heaven but I still, for years, felt that I had to perform for God. I felt that He was often mad at me or displeased with me.

        It wasn’t until my early years in ministry that I read a book called The Grace Awakening by Chuck Swindoll and also listened to teachers such as Malcolm Smith, Steve Brown, Brennan Manning, and Tullian Tchividjian that I realized the full ramifications of being saved; namely that God wasn’t mad at me!! He was pleased with me!

        Not only was I going to Heaven but, I say again, God was pleased with me. Even though I sinned and failed constantly, because God had already poured out all of His wrath on Jesus, there was no more anger left. When God looked at me He saw Jesus; and Jesus is perfectly pleasing to God. We Bible teachers call this “Imputation.” Imputation is a big word that simply means Jesus clothes us with His righteousness. Colossians 3:3 says that we are, “Hidden with Christ in God.” Our sin is hidden if we have trusted Christ for salvation. Galatians 3:27 says we are “clothed with Christ.”
His perfect righteousness covers us so that when God sees us, He doesn’t see our sin, He sees that 1) Jesus paid for all of our sins on the cross and 2) He sees Jesus perfect holiness (we are wrapped up in Christ’s righteousness).

        You may say, “But Steve if I believe that I won’t serve God or I’ll get lazy. Or even worse I will sin and not care about holiness.” God gives us a great answer for that. His Word says, “No, that is not true.” In Titus 2:11-12 says “The grace of God teaches us to say ‘No’ to ungodliness.” Understanding grace produces true holiness. The Bible says “the kindness of God leads us to repentance.” (Romans 2:4)You see grace and unconditional love actually motivate us to serve God, but for the right reason. I’ll go back to my story. I was trying so hard, striving, burdened, and worn out from trying to be a “good enough” Christian. I listened to a book on CD by Steve Brown entitled When “Being Good” Isn’t Good Enough. I learned that Jesus is already, “Good enough” on my behalf; when I learned that no matter what I did God would love me, and He would never leave me because I was “in Christ”, the stress came off and guess what? I found joy and peace!! I quit trying so hard and started feeling loved by God. I didn’t go out and sin because I was covered by Jesus righteousness. No, I felt so loved and secure in Christ that I wanted to serve God, but not out of guilt, but out of love for Him.

        You see (and I will reference this verse many times) The Bible says that, “The love of Christ compels us” 2 Corinthians 5:14. This could also be translated, “Christ’s love for me is what motivates me.” You see when you are free not to perform, and you know that you are accepted, that feeling of being free produces peace. Peace in turn starts to bubble up into joy. And that joy brings gratitude and love for a God Who loves you and accepts you just as you are (because of Christ). You become so thankful and free that you don’t even notice it, but you are serving God more than ever before. But this time it is not a burden, or out of guilt, but out of pure joy of being loved by God; loved unconditionally (no strings attached!)

        For the first time I felt accepted, perfectly accepted; and loved perfectly. I didn’t have to perform for God and jump through hoops (religious hoops). The Bible says we are accepted in Christ. The exact wording is by His “glorious grace by which He has made us accepted in The Beloved” Ephesians 1:6 (King James.)  God chose to use that Word “Beloved” on purpose. Do you remember what God said about Jesus when Jesus came out of the water and got baptized? In Matthew 3:17 it says that God The Father spoke from Heaven and said, “This is my Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” It says now we are IN the beloved so that when God sees someone who has placed their faith in Christ, He sees them as “Beloved, and pleasing to Him.” Why? Because out of His love He chose to place us in Christ (we are wrapped up and clothed with Christ righteousness). So when He looks at a believer He sees you as a “Beloved Son (or daughter)” and He is “well pleased with you!!” Did you get that? In Christ you are accepted, beloved, and God is pleased with you!! He may not be pleased with our actions when we sin; but He loves us and because He sees Christ blood, He is pleased with Christ’s sacrifice. That allows Him to continue to accept us because we are hidden in Christ. He will NEVER stop loving us! He’ll always love us.

        But as I said before we have to receive this gift by faith. It’s that simple. We simply trust in Jesus perfect sacrifice on the cross as the sufficient payment for every sin we’ve committed and will ever commit. So God fulfills His perfect justice and His love for mankind.

            Ro 3:21 But now a righteousness from God, apart from (obeying) the law,           has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify.
             Ro 3:22 This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus             Christ to all who believe. There is no difference,
            Ro 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
           Ro 3:24 and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came        by Christ Jesus.
          Ro 3:25 God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in his        blood. He did this to demonstrate his justice, because in his forbearance       he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished—
Ro 3:26 he did it to demonstrate his justice at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus.

        Are you ready? We can simply bow our knee to Jesus and say, “Ok You’re the boss now (Lord) and I trust you to save me and put myself in your hands. I believe you right now have washed away all my sins, and God has forgiven me. Please come live inside of me and make me the person you want me to be.” The words don’t matter but this is just a simple way of expressing your faith in Jesus in order to get the free gift of salvation (justification). In His book The Ragamuffin Gospel, Brennan Manning Defined Justification when he said that, "justification by grace through faith means that I know myself accepted by God as I am.”  He explains, "Genuine self-acceptance is not derived from the power of positive thinking, mind games, or pop psychology. It is an act of faith in the grace of God alone.” - Brennan Manning 3

        Now does this mean we should go out and sin because God still loves us? No! I did not say that. Sin is harmful to us, and God knows what is best for us. God hates sin. So He wrote down His commands in His Word so we could truly live. The point is that we should know that even if we do sin, God will still love us. He will still be crazy about us!!

        I will end with this: Almost everyone on the planet has heard of the verse John 3:16. This verse sums up the entire Bible and truth about God. I will add the following verses 17 and 18.
            Jn 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,       that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
              Jn 3:17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the             world, but to save the world through him.
     Jn 3:18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not                                       believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.
        It requires a decision. Do you want to be forgiven and return to The God Who loves you. It is as simple as just believing in Jesus. Run to Jesus and Jesus will put you in The Father’s arms to nestle and to be loved on. The reformers used to say, “We are saved by faith alone in Christ alone.” It’s true and you can receive “eternal life” (forgiveness, power to live righteously, and have God come fill your heart with His love and His everyday friendship). Just believe and receive it. And we can stand on God’s Promise that He will take you back as His beloved forever safe in His Arms.

        In the movie “Luther”, Martin Luther was taught a prayer by his mentor that signified his believing in Jesus for salvation, his placing his faith in Christ for eternal life. I still say it is the best prayer I’ve ever heard. It goes like this, “I’m yours Jesus save me.” It’s that simple, “I’m yours Jesus save me.” 4 You can pray to Jesus right now as a way of expressing your faith in Jesus. Say those words, I’m Yours save me, and He WILL save you.

        Oh and you men and women who are already Christians; God is NOT mad at you. He is pleased with you and loves you. Romans 5:1 says, “Ro 5:1 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Did you get that we have PEACE! The war is over. The penalty has been paid. The debt for all sins has already been paid. And you are justified! That means God sees Jesus’ perfect righteousness when He looks at you. And we all know that God The Father is Pleased with Jesus. So you have peace with God.

        He is NOT mad at you but pleased with you because Jesus has MADE you pleasing to Him. God poured out all of His anger when Jesus took His wrath on the cross. So let go of the guilt and fear. God loves you and will never let you go. You can’t out sin God’s covering of grace. You cannot “lose” your salvation because salvation is never earned nor maintained by our “works” or “obeying God’s Law”. Jesus by His sacrifice on the cross has made you forever righteous and holy in God’s sight. In Christ you are 100% righteous (because it’s Jesus righteousness). Not only that, His Spirit Who lives inside of you will motivate you to obey God! The Bible says that the same power that raised Christ from the dead lives in us (Eph1, Romans 8).  What is there left to do? Just enjoy God’s love and relax. Then and only then will you notice that you just “naturally” start truly loving God and obeying Him from a grateful heart (it will be Jesus’ nature inside of you). Now go relax, enjoy, and relish His love for you.


1 Zacchaeus - Look Who's Coming to Dinner.  The Crossroads Initiative. Article by  Dr. Marcellino D'Ambrosio.

2 James Bryan Smith The Good and Beautiful God.  2009 (p.162).  Intervarsity Press
3 Manning, Brennan. The Ragamuffin Gospel: Embracing the Unconditional Love of God. Amersham-on-the-Hill: Scripture Press, 1995.

4 Luther. Directed by Eric Till. Performed by Joseph Fiennes. Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, 2003. DVD.

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