Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Power Of Grace

"The Power Of Grace"
You know, normally, our Christian experience is that we hear messages about "Grace" in theory; and that every once in a blue moon. Why is it that when we really read the Bible and pay attention to what is written, that King David, Paul The Apostle, Prophet Isaiah, and Apsotle John (just to name a few) always speak of God's love in a real and vibrant way? you get the feeling that God's love was a daily reality is their lives, and was something that gave joy and power to their existence.
Well during my journey I decided to pursue this joy of grace that the very first church spoke about and lived out. I have discovered that the very foundation of all Christian Truth is this: "God is Love." ref. 1 John 4:8. You see, God doesn't just give love, rather, He IS Love.
It's one thing for me to offer you a glass of water. It's a completely differerent matter to say that I am the earth's entire supply of water, God's character is ultimately seen in The God-Man Jesus Christ.
Along with The Truth that God is Love is another vitally important truth: that of our identity in Christ. The New Testament says of Christians (at least 150 times) that we are in Christ and Christ is in us. I have found that these two truths are the most important truths to the Church; in the first centurty and even moreso today.
Why was the 1st church so dynamic? How could they rejoice under persecution? Why did they draw converts with a magnetism such that even their opponents, many times, would be persuaded to become a Christian? And what is missing today in the Western Church? In one word: Grace!
Well I can tell you that on many occasions grace, not fear of judgement, has caused me to grow and do things in a supernatural power, things that were beyond my own ability. I'll share just one story here to illustrate the point.
In my life I've found that my "thorn in the flesh", meaning my weakness, is fear of man. I have many times not confronted people, or have worried about what others think of me, or have let my failures bring me down because I let other peoples opinions of me domninate my behavior.
When I started applying Truth to my life I saw dramatic freedom from this bondage. In particular I have taken the advice of Malcolm Smith to read these truths to myself out loud while looking in the mirror. I simply used a list compiled by Neil Anderson that looks like such:
Who I Am In Christ

I am accepted...

John 1:12
I am God's child.

John 15:15
As a disciple, I am a friend of Jesus Christ.

Romans 5:1
I have been justified.

1 Corinthians 6:17
I am united with the Lord, and I am one with Him in spirit.
and I have found this to be transforming to my behavior.

In one case I had to lovingly confront a dear brother in Christ of some self destructive behavior. I was (in my flesh that is) so afraid of being rejected. However, as I read the truths of how God says I am, in Christ, "as bold as a lion" I began to actually believe what was already true. I then picked up the phone and was filled with enough love and power to talk to this friend. The result was that he repented and made changes in his life that, to this day, have brought GREAT blessings to him.

How about it, have you begun to claim the victory that belongs to you?
If you are a true child of God then you are much more than your feelings or behavior can show.
There is more than meets the eye. Like an apple that is not yet ripe but is green (not red), and is hard (too hard to eat yet), but still this apple has the basic makeup of an apple. You only have yet to ripen as you soak in God's grace by claiming His love and forgiveness.

If you are not yet a Christian I have good news! The same process applies to you. You only need to begin the process first by becoming one of God's children. Accept God's gift of Eternal Life by faith, "And to those who received Him (speaking of Jesus), to those who believed in His Name he gave the right to become children of God." John 1:12 Let us all accept His love today.

1 comment:

twiceliving said...

Very truthful. We need more people with your insight of the Bible. Stay strong in your faith.